Mined in Afghanistan for over 7,000 years, the Armenian
Stone is an enduring
rock , unlike other gems it is a composite of several
materials with sparkling flecks of pyrite, or fools gold, adding to its
mystical allure.
The ancient city of Ur had a thriving trade in lapis as early as the fourth
millennium BC and it appears in various passages from the Book of the Dead as
an inscription stone.
It was one of the stones in the biblical 'Breastplate of Judgment' of Aaron
(Exodus: xxviii, 15-30). The Romans believed it to be a powerful aphrodisiac.
In the Middle Ages, it was thought to keep the limbs healthy and free the soul
from error, envy and fear. When lapis was first introduced to Europe, it was
called ultramarinum, meaning beyond the sea. Ground lapis mixed with oil was
the secret of the blue in ultramarine, the pigment which painters used to paint
the sea and the sky until the nineteenth century.
Attributed with great healing, purifying and curative properties, Lapis Lazuli
points the way to enlightenment, and aids in the opening of the Third Eye. Popular
with ancient alchemists (who knew it as sapphirus), it was used in medicine,
cosmetics and paintings. It was also believed to confer ability, success, divine
favor, ancient wisdom and cure sore throats. This stone is for Understanding,
Higher guidance, intuition, connection to higher self, overview, decisions for
good of all. Organizes, quiets mind. Self-expression, writing, creativity,
dream insight...Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, nervous system;
, speech, hearing, pituitary, lymph, inflammation, pain (especially head), protection.
Malachite helps clear and activate the chakras, and clears the path to your
desired goal. It brings fidelity in love and friendship and is a protective
stone for the aviation field. It brings tolerance, flexibility,and patience,
and a stabilizing influence. Steady pulsing electromagnetic energy. (High
copper content) On brow: Stimulates physical and psychic vision, concentration.
Powerful with azurite or chrysocolla for healing: Releases and draws out pain,
inflammation, depression, anger; heals blocks. Protects well by powerfully cleaning
the auric field, rapidly absorbing undesirable energies.
This stone helps us to see ourselfs from an outside view and produces insights
that help us to painlessly correct qualities that are unwanted. It encourages
us to "shine". Stimulates the senses and intellect, dispels the use
of rash words and impatience.
Feldspar (contains aluminum). Popular with the Romans, who thought it was formed
out of moonlight, and in India, where it is considered a sacred stone, moonstone
is the most valuable variety of feldspar with an iridescent sheen known as adularescence.
A symbol of the Third Eye, moonstone is said to balance yin/yang, protect against
epilepsy and sun stroke, and help cure headaches and nose bleeds.
Moonstone is a highly prized gift for lovers as it arouses tender passion. It also accentuates the
wearer's nature, whether positive or negative. Translucent with white, pink, yellow, soft sheen. Soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph. Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed
by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life. For emotional
balance, gracefulness. Helps all be more comfortable with our gentler feminine/yin
receiving side. Especially for water signs.
This stone helps to change bad habits, it's also an excellent grounding stone. Balances and grounds. Absorbs and flattens emotional intensity.
Black: Grounding.
Green: Heart
Yellow:Seriousness, logic.
The more translucent/clearer
ones are more effective.
Opal :
The opal escence is a result of the 5-10% of water trapped inside the stone
in which rows and rows of tiny spheres of silicon dioxide are arranged, diffracting
light in a unique fashion. Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), Roman historian and author
of the world's first encyclopedia was very impressed with the brilliant purple
of the amethyst and the sea green color of the emerald, all shining together
in incredible union. The Romans had been wearing opals for centuries and considered
them a symbol of hope and purity while for the early Greeks they embodied the
powers of foresight and prophecy. The Arabs thought that opals must have fallen
from heaven in flashes of lightning thus achieving their unique play of color
or "opalescence".
Opal has also featured in literature with Shakespeare
referring to it in Twelfth Night as "the queen of gems".
A real queen had to intervene in the near destruction of the 19th century opal
market when Sir Walter Scott's Anne of Geierstein started a superstition that
opals were bad luck for people not born in October. The novel's heroine owned
an opal that burned fiery red when she was angry and turned ashen gray upon
her death. Queen Victoria finally dispelled the curse by giving opal jewelry
as gifts at a royal wedding.
The famous French actress Sarah Bernhardt rarely left the house unless adorned with her opalescent
Opal helps those who use it
to see possibilities. This an EXTREMELY strong stone. Most people find it hard
to use.
A silicate. Contains water, correlating with our emotions. Clarifies by amplifying
and mirroring feelings, buried emotions, desires (including love and passion).
Less inhibition, more spontaneity. Visualization, imagination, dreams, healing.
Easily absorbs, stores emotions and thoughts. Fragile. Fades/cracks in sun, heat,
salt, acidic foods. Moisten frequently with water or oil. Some cancel/negate other
gems. (backfires if not used for good of all) May change color with high energy/intensity
White: Balances L/Rt. brain.
"Black"/Dk blue: One of the most potent.
Fire Opals: May stimulate
passion, temper, energy.
This book examines the history of opals dating back to ancient times.
It describes where opals are located throughout the world and how they are mined
and details the techniques for cutting, polishing, and working with this difficult
gemstone as well as the scientific, historical, and mythological aspects of this enduringly fascinating
This book will be the first comprehensive book on opals in over 30 years.
-- Examines the histories of famous opals. 22 color plates
Pearls are one of my favorites so they have their own pages :-)
Known by the ancient Egyptians as the gem of the sun, peridot has a
mystical reputation with its alleged powers including: warding off anxiety,
enhancement of speech articulation, and success in relationships and marriage.
Common in early Greek and Roman jewelry, peridot has been popular since 1500 BC when the Egyptians
started mining it on Zeberget, later known as St. Johns Island, about
50 miles off the Egyptian coast in the Red Sea.
Peridot mining was traditionally done at night when the stones natural
glow is easier to see, the ancient Egyptians even believed that peridots became
invisible under the suns rays. Hawaiian
natives believe peridot is the goddess Pele's tears, while biblical references
to the stone include the high priest's breastplate studded with a stone
for each of the twelve tribes of Israel, one being peridot. Cleopatra reportedly
had a fine collection of emerald jewelry, which was really peridot
but it was the Ottoman Sultans who gathered the largest collection during
their 600-year reign from 1300-1918.
Legend has it that powdered peridot can be used to cure asthma and a peridot placed under the
tongue of someone in the grip of a fever will lessen their thirst and also
that drinking from a peridot goblet can increase the potency of medicines. Pirates believed
peridot had the power to drive away evil spirits (and the nights terrors),
especially if set in gold.
Peridot emits a warm and friendly energy. It assists in the understanding of the changes that are occurring
and detrimental patterns. It is a shield of protection around the body.
Clear bright green/green-yellow. Clears heart pathway, strengthening breath
of life, prosperity, growth, openness. Used by Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas to
gently cleanse and heal the physical heart (lungs, lymph, breast) Yellower
gems also for stomach, liver, adrenal. Helps understand relationships,
other realities Alleviates depression, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety.
"Rock Crystal:
Clear, many forms and colors! Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing
stone. Easy to cleanse, store info/energy in, program or amplify energy and
healing with. Can both draw and send energy. Powerful clear ones for meditation,
sending/receiving guidance. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and
fluids to resonate at new healing frequency.
Blue (Or gray/lavender): A good healing stone to expand self expression
and creativity, plus refining communication skill to new levels. Eases throat
tension. Immune system, thyroid, iodine and B-Vitamin use. Some say shining
light through Blue Quartz can help reduce need for glasses. Still evolving.
Pink.Love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love, emotional
balance. Soft. Gently soothes and warms heart center. Emotional healing, loss,
stress, hurt, fear, low confidence, resentment, anger. Slowly eases childhood
traumas/neglect/lack of love, low self-esteem. Cleanse and recharge often. Especially
if fades. Aligns mental, emotional, and astral bodies.
Clear Quartz with metallic, golden rutile, copper, or blue/gray titanium
fibers that powerfully electrically conduct and amplify energy/thoughts/programming
for healing. For meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, insight. Some make one
too spacey or scattered to wear. (Induces Alpha) Stimulates immunity, strength,
blue corona, imagery, dreams.
Golden fibers may increase radiation protection
and health rejuvenation.
Smoky Quartz: Smoky, rootbeer, or chocolate-colored
clear crystals. inducing Alpha/deep meditation for higher guidance, deep
relaxation, lovingness. Ancient use also to stimulate meridians, kundalini,
and correct fertility/PMS/reproductive imbalance. Alleviates fear, anxiety,
dull, solid/semisolidless Very grounding, opposite of other smokeys. May feel
dense, heavy, nonconductive. Many were irradiated to turn them this flat, dark
color with white edge of base. If so, they're not useful for conducting light/healing,
thus less useful for wearing or healing.
Produces gentleness. It is known as the stone of "gentle
love", bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships. Promotes receptivity
to the beauty of art,music and the written word. It represents a young,warm
love and balances the yin-yang energy Excellent for healing emotional wounds,removing
negativity and restoring harmony after crisis situations.
Historically, many believed that mystical powers lie within this intensely colored red gemstone. When inserted beneath the skin, the ancient Burmese believed that the stone
generates a mystical force, which protects the wearer from accidents and attack.
In the ancient world, many believed rubies to contain prophetic powers, enabling
wearers to predict their future based on the color changes of their gemstones.
The ancient Hindus enchanted by the color of rubies considered them to be "Ratnaraj" or the "King of Precious Stones".
This stone is for love.
It helps one to open one's heart. Warms, energizes after exhaustion. Strengthens
physical and emotional heart , love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina,
strength, leadership, success over challenges. Intensifies all emotions (passion,
jealousy, impatience, love...) Attempted use for pressure/control (for love,
etc) backfires onto user. Used for infections, cholesterol, clots, blood detox
(alcohol, caffeine, etc), sexual blocks. Stimulates circulation, menses, pituitary.
The modern word sapphire is derived from the ancient Latin term "Sapphirus".
Ancient people believed that the power of wisdom is contained within this precious
gemstone. They believed that when the wearer of a sapphire faces challenging
obstacles, the stone's power enables them to find the correct solution.
Aids in the release of unwelcome thoughts, brings joy and peace of mind by opening
the mind to beauty and intuition. Sustains the gifts of life and aids in the
fulfillment of the dreams of your consciousness.Blue, green, pink, purple, clear.
Related to Ruby.
Communication, insight, intuition, inspiration, spiritual prayer/devotion, peacefulness.
Pituitary and Thyroid. Detoxing skin, body. Antidepressant. Cools, contracts,
soothes, thus reducing inflammation, fevers, nosebleeds. Strongest if next to
Star: wisdom,
will,enhances the centering of ones thoughts, cheerfulness, luck. Helps you
to understand the intentions of another.Reduces anxiety, procrastination.
Some effects subtle.
more grounding. Protection. May strengthen by posing challenges to overcome.Helps
in the seeking of employment.
Serpentine helps the meditative state. It can be used to clear the clouded areas
of the chakras. It helps in all disorders of the body, emotions and mental structure.
Conscious direction of the healing energy toward a problem is required.
This stone stimulates the throat and the Third Eye.Brings together all aspects
of communication and psychic power. It brings perfect power of actualization.
This stone brings clarity and enhances psychic ability. It can help discipline
sexual, emotional life and allows one's life to open and blossom. A stone to
stimulates wealth and helps to maintain it. It brings protection, practicality,
softens stubbornness and balances male/female energy.
Yellow-gold. Confidence, willpower, clear thinking (and thus speaking),
personal power in life. Helps separate thoughts from feelings, so centered,
less emotional.
Laced with Manganese, it often displays a variety of black, brown and blue lines
and patches creating a unique mottled effect.
It is an unusual deep purple stone from Southern Africa. Sometimes referred
to as "Purple Turquoise" Sugilite is a rare gem type named for Ken-ichi
Sugi, the Japanese geologist who discovered it in 1944.
Metaphysically, Sugilite is said to emanate a protective energy, especially
for gentle people and children who don't easily screen out the negativity of
others. It is especially helpful to those who feel themselves to be gentle spirits
who are shocked by the harshness of human interaction here on earth. For them
Sugilite may provide a nurturing vibration which allows for the screening out
of hostility, anger and fear.
The word topaz is derived from the Sanskrit word "tapas".
Golden:The most powerful, electromagnetic of yellow/ solar plexus gems.
A strong, steady, high level gem for mental clarity, focus, perceptively, high
level concepts, confidence, personal power, stamina. Helps mood swings, insomnia,
worries, fears, depression, exhaustion, nervous system stress, stomach anxiety.
Liver/pancreas detoxification, bloodsugar balance, tissue and backbone strengthener
(physically and emotionally). Radiates warmth, sun/light energy, protection.
Excellent for water signs, teachers, excess work stress, manifesting, higher-self
connection. Brings emotions and thinking into balance.
Blue: Alignment with our higher self, creative expression, writing, focus on your
path. Removes arrogance and allows one to see all things as equally important
in the overall scheme of life.
The name tourmaline is believed to have derived from the Sinhalese word, "turmali", meaning "mixed".
Many refer to tourmaline as the "muses' stone", for they believe that
its imaginative colors contain inspirational powers which enable the mind of
its beholder to bring forth illimitable vision and creativity.
the Manchu Dynasty in China, members of the Mandarin class wore round buttons
made of red tourmaline, distinguishing themselves from other classes of citizens.
Dowager Empress Tzu Hsi was so fascinated by tourmaline's beauty and color that
she had over one ton of these precious gem stones in her royal collection.
The most classic tourmaline is called watermelon tourmaline. It blends from a beautiful green into a red or pink. This blending of Green and red/pink is advantageous when
you are working with balancing your heart. This stone helps one to release the
concept of being the "victim" and to maintain fortitude and laughter
through the trials of life.
Black tourmaline is a strengthener for all emotional work.Repels and protects against negativity,especially for sensitive people.Neutralizes fears, resentment, neurosis,
obsessions, intestinal or spine energy blocks, toxins, constipation.
Green tourmaline: Balances love and passion. Helps one to see with the heart. Strengthens will to live, life-force, prosperity, compassion. Holds the essence of
the plant kingdom. Shows that we are one and responsible for maintaining
the integrity of the planet. A powerful, electromagnetic, striated gem.
Strengthens body and spirit (and meridians), transmutes lower frequency thought/energy
to a higher frequency of light and brings light/spirit into the physical. Radiates
light protection for wearer. Energizes Central Nervous System (for neuralgia,
migraine, burns, etc.)
Clear: higher frequency, effectiveness. Especially for nervous system;
blood/lymph toxins. Instills the concept of progress through service.
Blue (Indicolite):Wonderful for aligning with higher self for deep insight,
vision, intuition, mental peace, patience, nerve system.
Pink: Emotional and spiritual love, healing loss, emotional pain, fear,
self-gentleness Best in combination with counseling. Self-love, compassion,
release of old hurt. Trust.
Red: Emotional and spiritual love (light pink) expressed in the physical
heart Yin/yang balance.
The book of Exodus contains an important reference to Turquoise as one of the
stones in the Breastplate of the Hebrew High Priest Aaron.
The Egyptians began mining Turquoise in the Sinai Peninsula around 5500 BC.
In Ancient times the Egyptians, Persians, Mongols and Tibetans all valued Turquoise
The Persians preferred sky blue Turquoise and the term "Persian Turquoise"
is now used as a color grade, not a geographical indicator. In Persian, Turquoise
is known as Ferozah, meaning victorious and it is the national gemstone of Iran
to this day.
In Asia it was considered protection against the evil eye. Tibetans carved Turquoise
into ritual objects as well as wearing it in traditional jewelry. Ancient manuscripts
from Persia, India, Afghanstan, and Arabia report that the health of a person
wearing Turquoise can be assessed by variations in the color of the stone. Turquoise
was also thought to promote prosperity.
In the first Millennium AD both the Chinese and Native Americans becoming captivated
by the blue stone.
In Mexico, the Aztecs began mining Turquoise between 900-1000 AD. The Anasazi
people mined Turquoise in what is now Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.
Turquoise from this area found its way around the trade routes of the American
continent and has been unearthed as far away as the great Mayan city of Chichén
Itzá in the Yucatán. Montezuma's treasure, now displayed in the
British Museum, includes a fantastic carved serpent covered by a mosaic of Turquoise.
In ancient Mexico, Turquoise was reserved for the gods, it would not be worn
by mere mortals. Legend has it that some Native Americans believed that if Turquoise
was affixed to a bow, the arrows shot from it would always hit their mark. By
the 16th century, the cultures of the American Southwest were using Turquoise
as currency.
It is believed that Turquoise helps one to start new projects; can warn the
wearer of danger or illness by changing color; and protects the wearer from
falling - especially from horses. It is also believed to bring happiness and
good fortune to all.A master healing
stone that promotes spontaneity in romance and stimulates the initiation of
romantic love. It balances and aligns all chakras and subtle bodies and can
bring all energies to a higher level. A highly spiritual stone, yet grounding,
it brings soothing energy and peace of mind. It brings strength, wisdom, protection,
and positive thinking.
A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent conductor (high copper).
This gentle, cool, soothing stone is a Native American classic. For open communication,
creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding, upliftment;Opens the heart for
giving/receiving. Symbolizes our source (spirit/sky) and spiritual love for
healing, help. Like amethyst, it protects and detoxes from alcohol, poison,
pollution, x-ray/sun radiation. Ancient absorber of "negativity";
protection from "evil eye". Brings wisdom. Helps anorexia, headache,
fear, etc. Throat, lungs, asthma, infections, teeth, hearing, high blood pressure,
creativity block, depression.
find these stones are very helpful to me. I use them to help me focus my energy
and maintain right thinking. I present this information about them to you
as just that. Information on Stones. I do not suggest that you totally rely
on this information as a way of curing yourself of serious physical or mental
problems. It is presented to you as a helpful and interesting way of viewing
the connection of yourself to the Earth and the Universe. If you
are seriously ill I suggest you see your physician.