The Spirit of Butterflies: Myth, Magic, and Art by Maraleen Manos-Jones
Butterflies have inspired humankind since antiquity as spiritual beings, symbolic of metamorphosis, rebirth, love, hope, and freedom.
This is the only book that explores the butterfly's role in myth, religion, literature, art, and the decorative arts, and includes magnificent pictures ranging from ancient stone carvings to modern furniture, Pompeiian mosaics to Sevres porcelain.

Spiritual Adventures from Around the World By Arielle Ford
A chance encounter that leads to a spiritual awakening, an awe-inspiring
coincidence,. a soulful connection to a strange new place. Over 60 true accounts of mystical journeys of both the
body and the spirit.
Out of Print available new and used @amazon
"These enchanting stories shine a light along the path where reality and miracles meet." --- Deepak Chopra, The Path to Love
Choose Hope, Your Role in Waging Peace in the Nuclear Age by David Krieger and
Daisaku Ikeda. David used the butterfly metaphor in his forward. "To change the world, we must bring forth the butterflies of hope from the cocoons of ignorance and apathy that surrounds them. The best place to begin is with ourselves. We must emerge from our own cocoons as positive agents of change.
" David Krieger is the founder of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Flying Flowersby Rick Sammon (Photographer)
Butterfly by Ben Morgan
, Thomas Marent (Photographer)
Thisbook with its breathtakingly detailed photography allows you to experience the butterflies in a variety of habitats, from northern woodlands to tropical rainforests. And the author provides a host of fascinating information about species and life cycles. The photographer, Thomas Marent, author of Rainforest (2006), has dedicated nearly half of his life to recording butterflies across five continents.

Butterflies in Flight by Roger Camp
Accordion-fold pages-more than 70 feet of them-over which nearly 300
species of butterflies flit and flutter in full digitally-enhanced color
and detail. Exquisite!!
The Coming of a New Millennium
by Heidi Neale ,Nick Manolukas
This story revives the ancient Minoan culture which,
in The Chalice and the Blade, Riane Eisler refers to as the last of the partnership societies that once flourished around the globe. The authors bring the Minoans to life in a fun, near-future adventure, which weaves together archeology, Neolithic studies, comparative mythology and religion,
feminine spirituality, history and CHAOS theory.
The Insect-Populated Mind: How Insects Have Influenced the Evolution of Consciousness
"In this book author David Spooner proposes a close connection between aspects of insect evolution and the human intellect. By examining seemingly disparate subjects - entomology, language history, genetics, literature and music - Spooner shows how such a synthesis is possible. Once this fusion is achieved, the human species can be seen as connected not just to the great apes, but also via consciousness to metamorphic insects. The book also presents aguments on the roots and nature of the mind in the work of Daniel Dennett and Terrence Deacon."