"The Spirit of Peace"
Sunday, October 20th 2002
From 10AM - 7PM
San Francisco's Civic Center Plaza
Presented by The Committee for the 35th Anniversary of the Summer of Love,
StudioZ.tv, and its non-profit partner

2002 marks the thirty-fifth Anniversary of the
"Summer of Love", a historic period of time in San Francisco.
In 1967, thousands of people flocked to the Haight-Ashbury district
of San Francisco, following their dreams of a better world. The world
was watching as a whole new colorful and exotic culture erupted out
of the mass gatherings of like minded souls, including art,
music, philanthropy, clothing design, and even hair!
Francisco had long been a center for alternative music,and many forms
of music have emerged from its bustling jazz and folk scene. In the
mid Sixties new bands were born amidst the excitement of the times.
New venues were opening, appealing to the music-hungry ears of the
masses experiencing a psychedelic revolution. Bill Graham and Chet
Helms opened dance halls to showcase the new sounds, spawning the
"San Francisco Sound", and changing the rock 'n roll music
scene forever.
"The Spirit of Peace"
35th Anniversary of The Summer of Love was a total auditory and visual
delight. A wonderful assortment of people, colorful, imaginative,a
fun and joyful event for all of us who have been here always as well
as for the beautiful young flower children, all were groovin' on the
great day ahead of us. The venders offered an opulent selections of
all things hippie. The poster by Stanley Mouse for this years celebration
was available and isn't it a beauty?
Wavy Gravy was the always tremendous Master of Ceremonies. Chet Helm
smiled on the festivities. Allan Cohen read one of the poems from
the recently released poets anthology on 9/11, "An
Eye For An Eye Makes The World Blind".
There was Peace and Love in the beauty of the sound and spirit of
all who particapted in this very well organized Event. The musicians
and performers all looked fantastic. Healthy and beautiful. Still,
keepin' on, keepin' on. I love them all? The music was spectacular.
I felt the love shining on as the Masters of our music gave it all
up for each other and for all of us so lucky to Be Here Now...they
also played for the musicians and artists who did not survive to see
this beautiful day in San Francisco. They are remembered and celebrated.
The Tribute to Quicksilver Messenger was tremendous. All the bands
glowed like the stars they are.
'Aquarius' and Let the Sunshine In" with the lively cast of Hair.
Country Joe is one fine gentleman active in fighting for the rights
of Viet Nam war veterans since the early 80's and we all
enjoyed singing the "The Fish Cheer" with him. I got up and
boogied with Canned Heat who are still going strong after 33 albums
to their credit. The Beau Brummels with the original band members really
rocked out. The Unauthorized Rolling Stones were new to me and I will
certainly look forward to seeing them again. Lot's of Fun. I was happy
to see Love and Arthur Lee still have that magic sound of the daze.
Darby Slick and The Great Society Band covered songs which recall one
of the earliest San Francisco 60's groups. Lydia Pense & Cold
Blood still have it all going on. They have continued to play over the
last 34 years. I defy anyone to stand still while they play. It is impossible.
And It's a Beautiful Day, the ever-exquisite Linda singing and David
La Flamme's over the top violin soaring White Bird and 'Hot Summer
Day', and 'Girl With No Eyes'. Outstanding and overwhelming
performances by all. My sincere thanks to StudioZ and all the sponsors,
everyone who 'Let Their Light Shine' and did such a wonderful job organizing
this glorious day.
This historic day
was a benefit for non profit groups born during those golden
days such as the SF Food Bank and the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic, as
well as Project Open Hand
 Other hippie pages at S.F.Heart
The Protest Songs Hippie Links
Map of the Sixties Allen Cohen Poetry
Music Raves of the Hippie Daze
Recommended reading list for wannabe hippies

My Summer of Love