White DoveThe Radiant White Dove

  A Rap for the Spirit

Like a radiant white dove,
like a butterfly flying home,
God is shaking.
God is waking inside of you.

It begins to move
around the first chakra
at the base of the spine -
red muladhara
touching the earth
It controls the body
and the material world,
as it manifests around us.

Like a radiant white dove,
like a butterfly flying home,
God is shaking.
God is waking inside of you.

The power enters
the second chakra,
svadhistana your own place
where you must live in the body.
Emotional & sexual balance
glowing orange

Like a radiant white dove,
like a butterfly flying home,
God is shaking.
God is waking inside of you.

Opening the third chakra
the jeweled city,
golden Manipura
Digestion and body organs
bring peace and service

Like a radiant white dove,
like a butterfly flying home,
God is shaking.
God is waking inside of you.

Through the forth chakra,
the unstruck sound,
green Anahata.
The heart's pure love,
healing becomes your power

Like a radiant white dove,
like a butterfly flying home,
God is shaking.
God is waking inside of you.

Rising to the fifth chakra,
the purified one,
blue vishudda.
The throat center
revealing nature's laws,
breath passes,
words sing truth

Like a radiant white dove,
like a butterfly flying home,
God is shaking.
God is waking inside of you.

The sixth chakra,
indigo Ajna, the third eye,
The creative vision
where spirits live

Like a radiant white dove,
like a butterfly flying home,
God is shaking.
God is waking inside of you.

The seventh chakra,
violet Sahasrara,
the thousand petal lotus
the nervous system hums
you see the one
The wisdom never leaves.

Like a radiant white dove,
like a butterfly flying home,
God is shaking.
God is waking inside of you.

©Allen Cohen

This poem is included in Allen Cohen's newest book, "Like A Radiant Dove".