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The Cosmic Cash/Dharma Dollar was created as a gift to be given
to those who involve themselves in service to others. It is an
acknowledgement and encouragement of the work of the Spirit
that unites us all and invites us to become more aware of the
many possibilities within our individual everyday lives to
share our loving kindness with others.
Look up from the daily newspaper and all that is to be seen of what is wrong |
COSMIC CASH is a thank you. Hand it out to those you see performing random acts of kindness right |
COSMIC CASH / DHARMA DOLLARS are for all who let their love light shine.
CosmicCash / DrahmaDollars are a wonderful addition to any special celebration, birthday, wedding,
graduation gift, or as an acknowledgement for volunteers.
" Love is The Opening Door, Love is What We Came Here For" ...Elton John, Tumbleweed Connection 1972
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