Cultural Integration Fellowship
2650 Fulton Street

  egypteye.gif  During my early days in San Francisco 1966, I met Dixie and she, a woman about 40 took me under her wing. She was a woman of the world from New Orleans and I a fairly unsophisticated young person. Her mate was Nathan who I loved from the first moment I met him. I lived with them on Leavenworth in their incredible hippie flat. They became my family and took very good care of me.

    Nathan practiced Yoga. Meditated many hours each day and  he was the most extraordinary man I have ever met. He attended the Integral Fellowship Church on Fulton each Sunday and it became my habit to accompany him. It was always  a special day for me. Afterwards we would walk through the Rose Garden in Golden Gate Park which is just across the street from the Church.

    I remember a particularly good lecture I attended there . It was given by a Swami from India. The Subject: God and LSD. He spoke of the feeling a lot of us had at that time which was that under the influence of LSD, we felt God's presence,a higher consciousness. He said that through meditation was a better way to experience God than by using drugs. What was important was to practice God  Consciousness in our everyday lives through Love in Action. He spoke of compassion and acceptance and forgiveness. The lecture was a turning point in my life.

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