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Free love, free thought, free drugs and all that right along side of microbiotic diets, mystical study, the making and sharing of both kinds of bread :-) , and always the music, in the clubs and dancehalls, free in the parks and all over the streets and even now still in our hearts. Most people think of those daze in terms of the Haight Ashbury and certainly that was the epicenter of our hippie times. There were also other places besides the Haight that added to the delight of my Summer of Love experience.

Considering the times I am trying to recollect, I hope you will understand if my memory is somewhat faulty. While I did find most of the information for these places still tucked inside my remaining memory bank, l filled in the blanks with information garnered from the many books and publications available.

North Beach
Basin Street West
Bimbos 365 Club
City Light Books
Coffee Gallery
Columbus Recorders
El Matador
Grant and Green
Hungry i
Jazz Workshop
Keystone Corner
The Purple Onion
The Saloon
Yone Beads
Haight Ashbury
Grateful Dead House
Haight Ashbury Free Clinic
Kelley Mouse Studio
Kezar Stadium
Lindley Meadows
The Oracle
The Panhandle
Pine Street Commune
Dog House
The Phoenix
Polo Fields
The Psychedelic Shop
The Straight Theatre
Avalon Ballroon
Carousel Ballroom
Coffee Cantata
Common Sense
CostPlus Imports
The Fillmore
Great American Music Hall
New Age Grains
Integral Fellowship
Lands End/Ocean Beach
Lew Serbins
The Matrix
McAllister Antiques
Natures Herbs

A new version of
Map of the Sixties

Allen Cohen Poetry
Legendary Bay Area Beat Hippie Poet , founder of the 60's Oracle,
The Human BE-IN, editor of the award winning anthology
"An Eye For An Eye, Poets on 9/11"
Allen Cohen Tributes and Memories

Accepted payment on all Karmic debts.
Cosmic Cash / Drama Dollar

For Sixties Books and Music videos and documentaries of the '60's and '70's
as well as San Francisco Books, Music and Films, visit
Please San Francisco Book Shop

More hippie pages from S.F.Heart
s.f.heart`s recommended reading for wannabe hippies
My Summer of Love   The Protest Songs   More on Peace and Love
35th Anniversary Celebration of the Summer Of Love
Music Raves of the Hippie Daze   Music Posters  
Peace Quotes Posters / Fine Art
 Hippie Links

Wolfgang's Vault - concert t-shirts, rock posters and vintage ticketstrack
Original Rock Posters! Travel through the history of concert memorabilia!

  Concert Vault - over 350 free concerts
This month's concert links

America's Best Waterbeds

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