* David's Copy : The Selected Poems of David Meltzer
David's Copy, released in 2005, was the first major collection of Meltzer's poetry in nearly ten years.
It spans a career in a bohemian underground rich with diverse social experiments in life and art.
Meltzer, the renowned San Francisco beatnik from Brooklyn began his literary career during the
beat heyday in San Francisco, reading poetry to jazz accompaniment at the famous Jazz Cellar.
This selected collection gleaned from 30 previous books published over the course of 40-plus years proves why he is one of my very favorite poets and anyone familiar with his work will most certainly want to have this book.
* E.E. Cummings: Complete Poems 1904-1962
100 Selected Poems
As well as being an influence that led to the beat movement, ee cummings was my introduction to
anti-war poetry in the sixties. ee cummings is fresh as ever and still my favorite to read aloud.

*Journals : Early Fifties Early Sixties by Allen Ginsberg
Here are journal entries, notes, dreams, and reflections from the period
when Ginsberg and his fellow Beats led the insurrection that profoundly altered
America's cultural landscape.
Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg 2 DISC SET
Jim Morrison's Books of Poetry :

* The Lords, and the New Creatures,Poems
Wilderness: The Lost Writings of Jim Morrison
The American Night (The Writings of Jim Morrison, Vol 2)

* Like It Was
by James Koller
A collection of James Koller's writings from and about northern california
in the 1960's in poetry, journal and fiction forms, with photos by Zoe Brow.
* Poems by Hermann Hesse , James Wright (Translator)
This is a recently published copy of this book, originally published with translations in 1970.
While most people are familiar with Herman Hesse's novels, his poetry is not well known.
A few years after his death in 1962, Hesse's novels enjoyed a revival of popularity because of they resonated with countercultural ideals of the 1960s. ( Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game (also known as Magister Ludi) for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946.) These and other Hesse novels were republished in paperback editions and were widely read by university students and the young people in the United States and Europe.
See San Francisco Poetry books for sixties poets and more.

* The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry
Five hundred pages of the history of underground poetry, from the Beats to the present.
First published in 1999, this collection features work from notable poets, including Jack Micheline, Harold Norse, David Trinidad, Jim Chandler, Rebecca Fransway, and even James Dean. Plus hundreds of other poets , many well-known and some you may never have heard of but hopefully
will enjoy.
and Songs by an old hippie
Carl is alive and well in Denver,
Colorado. In October of 1993, he was in a serious car accident in which
he became physically challenged. Armed with a computer and lots of spare
time, he put this book together.
It is a dream come true. Now he wants
to help other disabled people realize their dreams.
With every book sold,
Carl will make a donation to the National Sports Center for the Disabled
(NSCD) and the Colorado Brain Injury Association (BIAC). Help him keep
the spirit alive!
* The Love Book
by Lenore Kandel
Lenore Kandel was prosecuted for obscenity in 1967 in San Francisco. Her short
book of poetry "The Love Book" which had been available at the Psychedelic
Shop on Haight Street was banned in 1967
by the California Supreme Court .
Until now It has been out of print for 36 years despite its ban being lifted
in 1973. This newly printed edition features a newly designed three color cover,
hand-stitched binding, a printing history, and archival quality paper.
Hippie Grandmother
by Reeve Lindbergh, Abby Carter (Illustrator)
for Kindergarten-Grade 3
Charmingly illustrated, this poetic little book is the perfect gift to share
with children.
* Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass
The first edition of Leaves of Grass appeared in July 1855 at Whitman's own expense Whitman's use of free verse had a deep influence on poetry. He was a great inspiration and example for the beat-generation (Ginsberg, Kerouac etc.). Whitman wanted to be a national Poet, but his erotic poetry separated him from conventionally romantic poets.
* Kenneth Patchen is one of very favorite poets.
If you are not familiar with Patchen and his life you have overlooked one of strongest voices who spoke out against war and for Peace and Love long before we hippies took up that banner.
more poetry
See San Francisco Poetry books for sixties poets and more.
Allen Cohen Poetry
Poetry my favorites by Dorothy Parker, Kahlil Gibran,
Omar Khayyam,Shakespeare, ee cummings
* Mountains and Rivers Without End by Gary Synder
This book won Gary Snyder the Pulitzer back in 1975, Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems by Gary Snyder
“The world is our consciousness, and it surrounds us. There are more things in mind, in the imagination, than ‘you’ can keep track of—thoughts, memories, images, angers, delights, rise unbidden. The depths of mind, the unconscious, are our inner wilderness areas.”Gary Synder, the poet, Buddhist, and eco-activist, teacher
Today Independent book stores are often struggling to remain open so when you see a book on any of sfheart's recommended lists that interests you, please ask for it at your local independent bookstore. If they do not have it in stock, they are often willing to special order it for you. Here is a list of San Francisco Independent Book Stores you may want to visit.
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