MEMORIES for Tony Vaughan
To all those closest to Tony:
Over the course of some 30 years I have been blessed with
knowing Tony Vaughn and encountering him around the city.
Without fail, he always had a song, a poem or a smile
for me. His sound, his heart and his beautiful soul lives.
Royal Kent
I met him in the 70s through Noe Valley Poets. He did the cover for an anthology
(Quasar.) Then, saw him at Indigo Hotchkiss' Christmas dinners. He did the
covers for several Haight Ashbury Literary Journals, especially the Peace issue
cover, with his poems on the Iraq War. SEPT. 11th and
ANTI-WAR FRENZY. Years before, he had a feature in HALJ.
He did so much, with his poetry, art, and music. He was a beautiful soul.
Alice Rogoff
Our New Moon this Month is at 06º33" Libra, 1:13 AM PDT 9/28/08.
Written on 9/28/08
It's so hard to write this, as I've lost my longtime and dear friend, Tony Vaughan, as of last night around 8:30 PM, and so has the entire North Beach community in San Francisco. It's hard to believe there can be a new moon without him. I send this out to the entire La Crème List, as Tony knew some of my close friends from around the country. This morning I awoke, still shaky, relieved he was no longer in such physical pain, starting to wonder if he must be feeling shock and some terrible loss over no longer being able to paint his beautiful paintings in the world of form, write, or speak his poignant and whimsical poetry with words, play his songs ... But when I dressed to go out, and heard the harsh sounds of cars and trucks on the street, I wondered if maybe this might seem to him, looking "down" from where he is right now, more like a tiny mess, and all of it "was" a place to learn new experiences, to perfect and "become" a different being, in-between visits from "The Bigger Place Beyond?" He did it so gracefully, kindly, intelligently (and with such humor)!!! The memories I have of the richness he's brought to my life and to other people's we've known straightened my posture and increased my height on my way to the store, and with the wind blowing through my hair I looked up & mentally informed him, "You got an A+, Tony, an A+!"
Though I woke up imagining Tony seeing without eyes more magnificent colors than we can see here on earth, hearing without ears, and moving through space quite freely, by the time I crossed Larkin at Northpoint and looked over and saw the Bay where Tony had commemorated the passing of his mother, I suddenly really got it that he will never get to be Tony Vaughan again, and realized that I'm the one grieving for the loss of his form, the loss of his poetic words, music, face, presence, all that he has done as Tony, and that my sadness is selfish— and that's when my tears started flowing. Tony and I had talked about doing a book about Chiron, the Wounded Healer, together someday, and ironically, Chiron has been grand-squaring his chart in his painful, long-term health issue. Tony served others as a healer, even before he became ill, playing music in a cancer ward. I am so blessed to have been his friend for two decades and that his art fills my home. :-). Tony, dear one, I am with you; you are with us; in the wonderment you shared, in our hearts; in your art, in your writing, and in our love. We are here with you, and you will always be with us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
andrée free lagerstedt
I am so glad for the time we all had with him, at the Trieste, North Beach Library, where he was so brave and valiant and gave to us so much as he always had.
We knew each other in the 70's, Noe Valley, What I remember is more about the "feeling" of memory, the feelings in my memory bank from those early days: Tony, Michael Koch, Elizabeth Bell, Frank Donnola (spelling may be wrong), Stephanie Mines, Robert Haven, and so many more.
I remember a group of joyful, maverick, adventurous, energetic reciters and performers. Fantastic poems, images and sounds filling the air, filling us. It was always fun and expanding. I looked forward to hearing them each and every time. It was part of the zeitgeist of the day, of the community, the neighborhood.
The back room of the Philosopher's Stone on 24th Street, Noe Valley. The Meat Market Coffee House. We gathered in community to enjoy and participate in the sounds, the words, the energy. Fantastic performances cutting through the air, reaching out, filling the space around and within us.
I always, always loved hearing Tony read, alone and with Jerry by his side, sharing the evening. I can hear his gentle, most unique voice, even now. I loved those evenings and am grateful for having them as part of my memory.
Yours in love, friendship, kindred spirit,
Marlene Aron
Sept. 27, 2008 ~ On this day, just 3 years ago, TONY VAUGHAN, San Francisco poet artist musician left through the Golden Doors he dreamed of not long before he died. You are invited to visit TONY VAUGHAN pages hosted at for a selection of his poetry, and writings, some paintings and the wonderful poems written for him by friends and fellow poets.The beauty Tony Vaughan created lives on in his work and the love he shared remains in the hearts of all who all who loved him and remember their times with him and continue to speak his name ~ nicole,
please contact if you have memories for Tony Vaughan that you would like to share here
A few past Tony Vaughan and Jerry Ferraz Events
Drawing Near the Cloud Heights
An Evening of Music Poetry and Song
Rites of Love
Hymns To The Beloved
Return of the Red Comet
Catch The Duende
November 22, 2006
MICHAEL KOCHi am hoping to add other posters soon. ...nicole,sfheart
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